Lifestyle & Skill

  • Cases you should not do after 30 years old

    Cases you should not do after 30 years old

    Whether we like it or not, sooner or later, we all enter middle age and grow old. It may sound cliché, but there are things you shouldn’t do if you’re in your forties. At thirty and above, some events are inevitable for many people. Gaining weight, giving up, replacing everyday…

  • Get eternal success with these three factors

    Get eternal success with these three factors

    We live in a modern world where people are looking for quick success, want to be in good shape, have a better relationship and more money, and look for three simple ways to get these. Being successful is not easy at all doesn’t happen overnight. You have to earn it.…

  • how to do not postpone tasks

    How to do not postpone tasks

    One of the essential factors in reducing the speed of growth and progress is postponing important tasks and here we are going to explain how to do not postpone tasks. Procrastination comes in many forms. It may be easy for us to do something, but at the same time, we…

  • Learn everything quickly

    Learn everything quickly with these methods

    If we want to achieve all those lofty and ambitious goals that we set for ourselves, we must acquire the skills by practicing and learn everything quickly. But some people continue to study and think in the same way throughout their lives, but they do not change their ways and…

  • What is the reason for our gullibility

    What is the Reason for our Gullibility?

    Man is a gullible creature. Then what is the reason for our gullibility? If you want this to be proven, we will give an example of a rumor that became widespread years ago, and many people in different parts of the world believed it. This was the rumor of an…

  • Ways to Increase Concentration

    Best Ways to Increase Concentration

    In your new career, you are looking for ways to increase concentration during the day; we have often been distracted and asked ourselves: “What was I doing?” Sometimes this distraction and lack of focus become annoying. Lack of concentration or distraction can be caused by fatigue, being too busy, lack…

  • Learning in Sleep

    Learning in Sleep; From Imagination to Reality!

    Learning in Sleep; From Imagination to Reality. Studies conducted in recent years show that the brain can consolidate what has been learned and learn new things during sleep. The idea of ​​learning in sleep was first proposed in a novel called “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. The novel describes…

  • Understanding

    What is the Meaning of Understanding?

    What is the Meaning of Understanding? Many researchers in the field of psychology need to understand that repeating a result is different from explaining that result. For example, if you found that men gamble more than women, a typical way of “explaining” this result would be to say that men…

  • Contribution of Psychology to Education

    What is the Contribution of Psychology to Education?

    What is the Contribution of Psychology to Education? Psychology is the science of the character and behavior of humans. Human education is concerned with specific changes in the intelligence, personality, and behavior of human beings, and its problems fall broadly into these four subjects: ends, materials, means, and methods. Psychology…

  • whine

    How to Deal with a Whining Child!

    You know, whining when you hear it. Hearing a squeaky child can be emotionally disgusting for a parent, but whining is more than just screaming and crying.Crying in children is normal and sometimes unavoidable. It’s her way of communicating new emotions. While you can’t prevent all whining, you can develop…

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