Lifestyle & Skill

  • 8 ways to achieve peace of mind after a busy day

    8 ways to achieve peace of mind after a busy day

    After a long and busy day, it seems impossible to achieve peace of mind. But here are some tips that will help you regain your inner peace at the end of the day and before you sleep. In today’s modern world, most of us are too busy during the day,…

  • What is digital detox, and how can we use it?

    What is digital detox, and how can we use it?

    Nowadays, we may hear a new word called “detox” a lot. The word “detox” means removing toxins from the body, which is widely used in nutrition and diets. But here, we will go to the application of detox in the digital field or digital detox (digital detoxification). What is a…

  • 10 common habits of people who are never happy

    10 common habits of people who are never happy

    Happiness has many different forms, which is why it is impossible to give a specific definition for it. But discomfort is easy to spot. When you see someone, you immediately know if they are upset. In fact, most of the habits of sad people are common. When you are sad,…

  • What are systems thinking?

    What are systems thinking? Its uses and the reason people neglect it

    You may have heard the name of systems thinking and seen various articles on the Internet about this topic. But unfortunately, many of these articles have presented a complicated and incomprehensible explanation of this type of thinking. For this reason, despite reading these articles, many people do not fully understand…

  • How to maintain mental health throughout life

    How to maintain mental health throughout life?

    We have all felt bored during the day for various reasons. Ups and downs have accompanied our relationship with mental health during the years of life due to problems and pressures. Changing your mindset about how you approach bad days and events will go a long way in helping your…

  • 10 things that happen to our brain while studying

    10 things that happen to our brain while studying

    Anyone who loves to read can tell you that reading a great novel immerses you in vivid images and emotions and can even stir your feelings. This sounds romantic and sentimental, but there is undeniable evidence that your brain supports these things when you study! When reading, the structure of…

  • 15 signs of low self-esteem

    15 signs of low self-esteem

    Self-esteem is the view you have about yourself in relation to others. Various factors can have a negative effect on your self-esteem and cause low self-esteem in you. Most of these factors originate from childhood. Some incidents that occurred during childhood can affect your self-esteem and self-confidence as an adult.…

  • Golden principles to have a wholesome and lasting emotional relationship

    Golden principles to have a wholesome and lasting emotional relationship

    Relationships take many forms, and you cannot find someone around you who is not involved in any relationship. Each person can be applied to several wholesome and unwholesome emotional relationships; Work relationships with colleagues, friendship relationships, emotional relationships with family, emotional relationships with emotional partners, semi-intimate relationships with psychologist consultants,…

  • man standing in gray pathway near buildings

    8 rules for making the right decision in difficult situations

    Never underestimate the impact that a correct decision can have on your life. Any wrong decision can ruin a relationship, career, or life. To have a sense of life satisfaction, we need to make wise choices, But when a challenge arises, and the road of life hits bumps, confusion suddenly…

  • How to deal with laziness and lack of motivation?

    How to deal with laziness and lack of motivation?

    We can all feel low on energy and lose motivation at times. It’s expected that this happens to everyone sometimes, but when this feeling increases or continues for a longer period, our life will change. Our goals become less important to us, we find it difficult to develop new ideas,…

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