Self-esteem is the view you have about yourself in relation to others. Various factors can have a negative effect on your self-esteem and cause low self-esteem in you. Most of these factors originate from childhood. Some incidents that occurred during childhood can affect your self-esteem and self-confidence as an adult. The adverse effects of this issue can be seen in your relationship with others.
All your behaviors, from body language to marital relationships, indicate your self-esteem. Even simple things like when and who you invite to a party show your self-esteem. Low self-esteem affects career failures, social and emotional relationships, and happiness. Low self-esteem is a serious problem and needs a solution and treatment.
If you have these signs, it means that your self-esteem is low, and you should think of a solution.
You feel insecure.
A large percentage of people with low self-esteem feel highly insecure. This can become a big problem in many cases. The feeling of insecurity is not only problematic at the individual level, but the social level and compatibility with others can cause problems.
Feeling insecure can indicate low self-esteem, affecting many aspects of your life. The feeling of insecurity leads to a lot of stress and mental pressure. Some people who feel insecure usually entrust others to make decisions about various issues.
You do not accept any criticism.
Another sign of low self-esteem is not accepting any criticism or comments about one’s work or behavior.
People with low self-esteem react aggressively and selfishly when others criticize or comment on them and lose their spirits.
Such behaviors can increase your sensitivity and vulnerability. This means that you may be hurt by even the smallest of negative comments. As a result, your happiness will always depend on others.
Even when no one is attacking you, you defend yourself.
Low self-esteem can change the way you perceive the reality of interacting and living with others. Any comment can make you feel like someone is attacking you, so you always get defensive. You may also become delusional or think that everyone is against you.
Remember that others do not agree with your opinion; it does not mean they are against you. Accept this fact and trust others.
You even apologize for being alive.
When others make mistakes and are at fault, do you apologize? People with low self-esteem often blame themselves, do not value and respect themselves enough, and take the blame for all problems and problems.
Do not be ahead of others in apologizing; apologize only when you are at fault.

In your opinion, everything depends on luck.
Suppose you consider successes and good events to be only luck or God’s grace and do not consider your merit and competence to be the cause of your current successes. In that case, we must say that your self-esteem is low. This problem shows itself in the form of not accepting compliments or criticism from others.
Accept the reality and accept that your successes are the result of your efforts and hard work and that your intelligence, personality, and talent play an essential role in your progress.
You hide yourself.
Do you ignore your opinions and not express them so others do not dislike you? Would you rather die than be in a room with someone who hates you? Avoiding discussions and unnecessarily approving other people’s opinions to please them is another sign of low self-esteem. Try to believe that your opinion is influential and respected.
You can’t do what you want to do.
People with low self-esteem cannot say “no” to others. Doing anything to please others and keep them happy is a mistake.
Remember that it is not possible to please everyone. Putting other people’s opinions and plans first is a mistake that endangers your mental health. Low self-esteem can cause you not to value yourself and suffer from low self-esteem. This causes you to always submit to others and be unable to defend your opinions.
Put your satisfaction first, and don’t do things you don’t like just to please others.
You cannot communicate with the opposite sex.
In many cases, people with low self-esteem do not see themselves as capable or worthy of a partner. They know the person they love as unattainable and unworthy of starting a conversation with them.
Low self-esteem makes you think that you can’t attract the attention of others and that you don’t have any unique qualities or morals that would make others like you.
You check your cell phone for no reason.
When you’re alone at a party, do you reach for your phone and keep checking your messages instead of talking to others?
This is because you don’t have enough confidence to open up to others and think that others will get tired of talking to you. Weak social skills are one of the obvious signs of low self-esteem.
Try looking for people you know at parties or sit next to people you feel comfortable talking to.
You tell strange and stupid lies.
Don’t you sometimes find the truth so interesting that you prefer to tell a little expedient lie and probably later blame yourself for the lie you told?
According to studies, this behavior is common in people with low self-esteem. Such people usually hide their real selves and start pretending to get approval from others.
Bravely tell the truth and be your true self. With this, you can be sure your honesty will increase your popularity.
You buy things you don’t need.
When buying clothes or home decor items, do you constantly think about what other people will think about your purchase? Did you choose your field of study based on your parents’ interest and satisfaction or your interest?
Comparing yourself to others and seeking approval in any situation can destroy your self-esteem and prevent you from enjoying life.
You have been napping more since childhood.
Low self-esteem has many side effects and adverse effects, such as body fatigue. Sleep can be an excellent way to escape when you have much to do. Excessive desire to sleep may be one of the symptoms of depression.
If you have this problem, talk to a counselor to minimize the negative effects of low self-esteem. To increase energy, you need proper nutrition, enough sleep at night, and exercise.
You cannot choose food.
Are you unable to order food when you go to a restaurant with others and eat whatever the other person orders? Low self-esteem makes you afraid to make even the most straightforward decisions.
If you have low self-esteem, you may change your mind several times after you have made up your mind about something.
You hate someone, but you invite them to all your parties.
People with low self-esteem usually worry too much about other people’s opinions. These people always try to keep the peace. For such people, it is easier to tolerate someone they hate than to misbehave with them or remove that person from their lives.
Don’t make things bigger than they are. If you hate someone, don’t invite them to your party.
You are hasty in marital relations.
People with low self-esteem usually rush into relationships, and because they don’t feel good about themselves, they are not as comfortable with their partners as they should be. Such people think that their spouse does not enjoy being with them much.
On a suitable occasion, talk to your spouse and learn about their interests and opinions.
We said that low self-esteem makes you always prioritize the opinions and opinions of others and do everything to please others, Even things you don’t want to do.
A counselor can help you improve your self-esteem and achieve your inner strength. Love yourself and value yourself.
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is the view you have about yourself in relation to others.
What are some factors that can negatively affect self-esteem?
Various factors can negatively affect self-esteem, many of which originate from childhood. Certain incidents that occurred during childhood can affect self-esteem and self-confidence as an adult.
How does low self-esteem manifest in behavior?
Low self-esteem can be seen in all behaviors, from body language to marital relationships. It can affect career failures, social and emotional relationships, and happiness.
What is a common feeling among people with low self-esteem?
A large percentage of people with low self-esteem feel highly insecure. This feeling can cause a lot of stress and mental pressure.
How do people with low self-esteem react to criticism?
People with low self-esteem often react aggressively and selfishly when others criticize or comment on them. They may become more sensitive and vulnerable, getting hurt by even the smallest of negative comments.
What is a common misconception among people with low self-esteem?
People with low self-esteem often think that others are against them when they disagree with their opinions. They may become defensive or delusional.
How do people with low self-esteem view their successes?
People with low self-esteem often attribute their successes to luck or external factors, rather than their own merit and competence.
What is a common social behavior among people with low self-esteem?
People with low self-esteem often avoid discussions and unnecessarily approve other people’s opinions to please them. They may also ignore their own opinions for fear of being disliked.
How does low self-esteem affect relationships?
People with low self-esteem often rush into relationships and may not feel as comfortable with their partners as they should be. They may think that their spouse does not enjoy being with them much.
What can be done to improve low self-esteem?
Seeking help from a counselor can be beneficial in improving self-esteem. It’s also important to love and value oneself.