The 21st-century hipster is a lifestyle (sometimes named hipsterism). Fashion is one of the main markers of hipster character. People with this lifestyle usually do not self-identify as hipsters. The term hipster is often used as a belittling for someone who is pretentious or highly concerned with looking trendy.
Stereotypical fashion components include vintage clothes, alternative fashion, or a combination of different fashions, mainly including checked t-shirts, skinny jeans, knit beanies, a full beard or intentionally attention-grabbing mustache, and lensless glasses or thick-rimmed. This lifestyle is often related to indie-rock and alternative music, but not everyone who listens to that type of music is a hipster.
In the United States, it is often associated with considered upper-middle-class white young adults who refit urban areas. This style has been assessed as lacking authenticity, upgrading conformity, and embodying a specific ethic of consumption that looks to commodify the idea of revolution or counterculture.
The word hipster in its current usage first emerged in the 1990s and became broadly used in the late 2000s and early 2010s, originating from the earlier hipster campaigns of the 1940s. Maybe you want to choose a suitable style for your work environment after finishing this article. We suggest you read “Learn about business casual attire that look ideal” article.
The 21st-century hipster is a subculture (sometimes called hipsterism). Fashion is one of the major markers of hipster identity. Members of the subculture typically do not self-identify as hipsters, and the word hipster is often used as a pejorative for someone who is pretentious or overly concerned with appearing trendy.
What are Hipsters Accessories?
Plaid T-shirts, horn-rimmed sunglasses, and beards are typical of the stereotypical 21st-century hipster subculture. Full beards, vintage dresses, and retro electronics, for example, the Casio F-91W watch, are typical of hipsters.
Fixed-gear bikes are also associated with this lifestyle. Slate names the bicycles as the “most common hipster accessory.” A correlation of hipsters with a growing popularity of full beards goes back to before 2010. In 2016, historian Alun Withey claimed that “The hipster beard, or lumberjack beard, will be the depicting facial hair of this group.” Further hipster trends in the 2010s have comprised carnism, urban beekeeping, taxidermy, knitting, craft beer, horticulture, specialty coffee, fedoras, and printing and bookbinding classes.
Different Hipsters by Region.
In 2017, the UK logistics and marketing company MoveHub announced a “Hipster Criteria” for the United States. This first research marked five data notes: microbreweries, thrift shops, vegan restaurants, and tattoo salons, and they produced this data with cities’ rent inflation in 2016. In the next year, MoveHub appeared with a similar study, this time evaluating the most Hipster cities in the world.
The indices were slightly different for this research: they studied vegan eateries, coffee shops, tattoo salons, vintage shops, and record boutiques. For the broader study, they also restricted their study to larger cities with populations of more than 150,000 residents. For this reason, many American cities which rated highly in the united states study in 2017 were not acceptable for the 2018 study.
iHeartRadio, a media and entertainment fair, then got MoveHub’s 2018 study and nailed it down to the Canadian cities. All three of these tables are sourced in the following parts about regions which have vast hipster subcultures. Number one of the world list is the city of Brighton in the United Kingdom, whose MP Caroline Lucas was the sole Green Party MP selected the British Parliament in the year 2010, 2015, and 2017 ballot riggings.
Racism and Hipsters.

Hipster racism involves behaviors usually considered racist and defending them as being behaved satirically or ironically. Rachel Dubrofsky and Megan W. Wood have depicted it as being evidently “too hip and self-aware to mean the racist stuff one shows.” This may include wearing blackface and other behaviors of typical African Americans, use of the term nigger, and suitable cultural clothes.
Talia Meer claims that hipster racism is originated from what she names “hipster exceptionalism,” defining “the conception that something ordinarily insulting or prejudiced is amazingly converted into something clever, funny and culturally relevant, by the assertion that argued ordinarily insulting thing is paradoxical or satirical.” As Leslie A. Hahner and Scott J. Varda defined it, “those taking part in acts of hipster racism recognize those acts as racist when done by others, but rationalize their racist behaviors through an assumed exceptionalism.”
Critical analysis about hipsters.
A 2016 study in the European Journal of Cultural Studies outlined the hipster subculture “as a trans-local and layered lifestyle with contextually significant claims to authenticity.”
The assertion of authenticity, singularity, and individuality is significantly crucial in describing a hipster. Being a real hipster is about ‘being true and not ‘trying too much.’ Being real, nevertheless, appeals to identity work. Being a hipster comes with very powerful and periodic identity discourses that concentrate on authenticity yet ironically form the basis of a very unified style.
Christian Lorentzen of Time Out New York claims that “hipsterism illustrates the authentic” components of all of the “periphery movements of the postwar age Beat, punk, hippie, even grunge,” and turns to the “cultural shops of every undissolved ethnicity” and “gay culture,” and then “emitting it with a sparkling inauthenticity.” He argues that this group of “17-33-year-olds,” usually white, “have defanged, skinned and used” all of these impacts.
Lorentzen claims hipsters, “in their current undead incarnation,” are ” people who consider themselves as being much cooler than America,” also pointing to them as “the killers of cool.” He claims that metrosexuality is the hipster entitlement of gay culture, as a trait transferred from their “Emo” phase. He says that “these aesthetics are merged—cannibalized—into a collection of meaninglessness, from which the hipster can build an identity in the manner of an abstract, or a mixed playlist on an iPod. “He also blames how the subculture’s first menace has long been overlooked and substituted with ” the form of not-quite-passive aggression named snark.”
“Hipsters tend to attract a hatred special to its intensity.” –Dan Fletcher, Time Magazine.
Dan Fletcher in Time appears to help this theory, positing that shops like Urban Outfitters have volume-produced hipster chic, linking hipsterdom with elements of mainstream culture, thus darkening its originators’ still-powerful alternative art and music scene. Fletcher claims that “Hipsters tend to attract a hatred special to its intensity. Opponents have defined the loosely described group as smug, full of discrepancies and, ultimately, the dead-end of Western society.”
Elise Thompson, a copyreader for the LA blog LAist, says that “people who came of age in the 70s and 80s hard rock movement seem to globally detest ‘hipsters,'” that she describes as people wearing “high-priced ‘alternative’ trend[s],” going to the “newest, coolest, most joyful bars…[and] listen[ing] to the newest, coolest, best band.” Thompson says that hipsters “don’t look to subscribe to any specific philosophy … [or] … special genre of music.” instead, she says that they are “soldiers of fortune of style” who choose whatever is modern. In style, “appropriate[ing] the style[s]” of old anticultural movements such as rock while “discard[ing] anything that the fashion stood for.”
Inferring from Pierre Bourdieu’s work and Thomas Frank’s ideas of co-optation, Zeynep Arsel and Craig Thompson say that to divide and co-opt the indie market, press and marketers have been involved in commercial “mythmaking” and helped the formation of the modern discourse regarding hipsters.
They supported this argument using a historical discourse analysis of the term and its usage in the modern culture, according to Arsel’s dissertation that was issued in 2007. They claim that the modern depiction of hipsters is made through mass media narratives with various commercial and ideological interests. That is to say; a hipster is less of an objective class and more of a culturally- and ideologically formed and mass-mediated contemporary mythology that appropriates the indie consumption field and finally switches to a form of stigma.
Arsel and Thompson also ask members of the indie culture (DJs, designers, writers) to discover better how they think about being tagged as one. Their findings show three approaches for dissociation from the hipster subculture: aesthetic prejudice, symbolic separation, and proclaiming sovereignty. These approaches, empowered by one’s status in the indie population (or their cultural capital), help these individuals to protect their field-dependent cultural investments and tastes from belittling hipster mythology.
Arsel and Thompson’s work tries to explain why people who apparently fit the hipster culture lavishly deny being one: they say that hipster mythology belittles their tastes and interests, so they have to socially recognize themselves from this cultural class and protect their tastes from devaluation. To achieve in denying being a hipster while appearing, acting, and behaving like one, Arsel and Thompson recommend that these people demythologize their existing consumption practices by involving in rhetorics and behaviors that symbolically discriminate their actions from the hipster stigma.
In 21st-century civilization, people naturally refuse to face the dominant culture and look to do the exact opposite; given so much time, the anti-conformists will grow more homogeneous with respect to their own culture, making their actions the opposite of any claims of anticultural. This synchronization happens even if more than two alternatives are available, such as various beard styles instead of whether or not to have a beard. Mathematician Jonathan Touboul of Brandeis University, who studies how information circulation through society influences human behavior, calls this the hipster impact.