Failure can be scary, but what if it was the key to success? Failures allow us to bounce back, learn from mistakes, and help us measure success. However, failure can be scary, and as Winston Churchill reminded us, “success goes from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” We often fear failure because we forget that it is not safe. However, it must be remembered that failure is far from an end in itself, but to move forward, one must accept the possibility of failure. After all, it is difficult to measure success and develop without failure.
Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. The criteria for failure depends on context, and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. One person might consider a failure what another person considers a success, particularly in cases of direct competition or a zero-sum game. Similarly, the degree of success or failure in a situation may be differently viewed by distinct observers or participants, such that a situation that one considers to be a failure, another might consider to be a success, a qualified success or a neutral situation.
It may also be difficult or impossible to ascertain whether a situation meets criteria for failure or success due to ambiguous or ill-defined definition of those criteria. Finding useful and effective criteria, or heuristics, to judge the success or failure of a situation may itself be a significant task.
What is Failure?
The perception of failure varies from culture to culture. For example, in France, when it happens, we deny it, often forgetting that it is not safe and does not define us. Elsewhere, in places like the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian countries, failure is a direct indicator of our ability to succeed. Unlike a straight path without obstacles, failure teaches you to overcome difficulties: it allows you to reject. So there is no reason to be ashamed of it!
From a failed culture to a rebound culture. In countries that reject failure and value a perfect curriculum, it’s hard to get off track. If a culture of failure prevails, it is better to live a life with fewer challenges because the chance of failure is lower. The chance of outdoing yourself is even less. Thus, the culture of failure is dominated by the fear of failure. We also often talk about our successes and ignore the obstacles we have overcome. It just reinforces that feeling.
This view of success is contradicted by the fact that the road to success is sometimes filled with obstacles that must be overcome to achieve one’s goals. During the journey, it is possible to stumble and experience failure. Is it bad? No, because we can always get back up, learn from our mistakes and move on. Therefore, unlike a culture of failure, there is a culture of bouncing back. Because after every failure, it is possible to come back and turn past difficulties into present advantages.
Failure is not Decisive
As Marcel Proust used to say, “There is no easy success and no absolute failure.” In a bounce-back culture, failure is never decisive. On the contrary: failure is even the initiator of change and therefore progress. Let’s take a concrete example: a child is learning to walk. His first steps will be several falls before and after he can walk. Is that why the kid was told to stop walking because he kept falling? No, because every fall teaches him to control his balance and progress.
This principle applies throughout our lives: after every fall or failure, we can get back up, persevere, and learn from our mistakes. Failure is by no means decisive, it is just a step on our way. What’s more, failures in science are also worth paying attention to! It allows us to disprove hypotheses, increase knowledge, and direct research in a different direction. You may have gone through what you thought was a period of not giving up smoking, and you smoked at a party.
Failure often causes negative emotions and makes us question our plans. However, keep in mind that failure is not a relapse, and just because you’ve smoked doesn’t mean you should question all your efforts. exactly opposite! That success is still yours and you can still pull yourself together and continue your way out. It even allows you to understand yourself and identify some triggers. You will become stronger. You should also know that some tools can help you if you feel the need.
The keys to success in failure are attainable
So failure is not the end, but only a step in our journey. If it crosses our path, we know how to learn from it, it even allows us to question ourselves when needed, and by doing so, moves us forward. Failure is the first step to success.
Let’s imagine that you have a project close to your heart. You have two options:
- Motivate yourself and try to do it, but you may experience.
- disappointment. *Wait and let this project pass without the risk of not finishing it.
who do you like When you ask this question, you realize that the only way to never fail is to never try? But between moving forward, risking failure and staying in your comfort zone, and risking regret later, what could be better? It’s up to you, the decision is yours.
To be successful, you have to try and also accept the possibility of failure. If a mistake does happen, you must learn to draw the necessary conclusions to recover from it stronger.
Learning from failure is the key to success

It is when we put ourselves to work that we fail. But if this act allows us to learn and test a hypothesis, even if it turns out to be a failure, is it still a failure? After all, “practice makes perfect”, failure is an accumulation of experience. By learning from our mistakes, we can grow by identifying areas that need improvement so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again. By doing this, you can even anticipate future obstacles so that you are as prepared as possible to face them.
Later we may face new difficulties, but they will be different and experience will make it easier for us to overcome them. Little by little, let’s turn these failures into assets that will help us grow, get closer to our goals and understand the keys to success.
Find yourself and measure success in failure
As Nick Gleeson said, “Success is the result of failure, mistakes, false starts, confusion, and the will to keep going no matter what.” So failure is by no means decisive, it’s all about persistence and it can even be very helpful in your journey. It can make you stop and think about what is controlling you. By doing this, you can consider alternatives that you may not have considered that will help you with your project. In this way, failure can be beneficial. It must also be recognized that by going through it, you can get a full taste of success later!
Inability to focus on oneself and then strive for success
When mistakes occur, they interrupt us and force us to stop for a moment. But this forced pause gives us the perfect time to reflect and reflect, allowing us to appreciate the journey we’ve made. This break is also a good opportunity to listen to our little inner voice and question ourselves along the way. Do we love what we do? Are we satisfied? Before we start, do we dream of doing anything else? It is important to answer these questions with kindness and compassion.
These questions will especially help us focus on the things we love. Therefore, failure can be considered a crossroads in our journey: it allows us to change direction and take advantage of new opportunities that we previously hesitated to take advantage of. Many successes come from failures. For example, if J.K. Rowling hadn’t been fired, would she never have written Harry Potter? If necessary, prove that failure is an opportunity to reinvent yourself and find your way! To increase your knowledge, you can read the “How to Overcome Overwhelming Feelings?” article.