Most employees spend an average of 45 hours in their work environment during the week. This amount of hours is undoubtedly spent focusing on things other than taking care of physical and mental health. These people must follow a series of principles to maintain their health and mental health in the workplace.
If these principles are not followed, the employee will face many problems quickly. Company managers’ and business owners’ working hours sometimes exceed the standard. People like this work all day until late at night. Undoubtedly, a large amount of work without caring for health leads to weakness and illness and can cause us to lose our desired work and income.
When discussing wellness, we specifically mean physical and mental health simultaneously. Remember that having one with the other is only possible under any circumstances. The real solution to balancing work and health is to pay attention to the principles of health during all the small or vital activities we do every day.
Drink an adequate amount of water every day.
Never underestimate the power of drinking water to maintain your health. 60% of your body consists of water. So it is not strange if we know that the human body needs water to relieve fatigue, energize the muscles, increase mental power, maintain freshness and vitality of the skin, and control appetite.
Our body needs water through food, fruits and vegetables, and various drinks. But always drinking clean and pure water is the best way to hydrate the body and organs. Water supply has many other direct and indirect benefits. You will quickly realize the benefits of drinking 4 to 6 glasses of water daily.
Stop drinking coffee after lunch.
Coffee is the most popular drink in the world after water. The presence of a stimulant called caffeine can increase your alertness in the short term and give you the energy to perform mental and physical activities. But remember, one more cup of coffee can provide the necessary energy for one more hour of work at night’s end, but it will undoubtedly deprive you of sleep that night.
Sufficient and restful sleep is one of the most important factors for maintaining health, and lack of sleep will quickly lower your efficiency in the workplace. A night with insufficient sleep will not be an efficient and helpful day.
If you like coffee and it makes you feel good, transfer it to the hours before lunch. Falling into the cycle of late-night coffee, waking up, and compensating for boredom with coffee the next day will make you extremely tired and weak after a short period. On the other hand, researchers have proven that drinking a lot of coffee can cause severe anxiety and, as a result, reduce efficiency.
Sit up straight.
Sitting is a large part of the working hours in many jobs today. Employees have to sit at their desks for hours and do their jobs. Although the correct sitting method is easy to implement and is considered one of the most important ways to maintain health in the workplace, many of us do not follow this point and put a lot of pressure on our bodies during working hours.
First, consider using an excellent standard chair to sit correctly. A standard chair should provide complete comfort and support for the back, waist, and seat. The appropriate height of the chair compared to the table’s surface and the monitor’s location is extremely important.
Be careful not to bend the back of your chair more than a certain amount. Positioning the body and spine vertically causes the slightest pressure and possible damage to your body during working hours.
Get up from your seat.
Now that we know how to sit correctly, it’s time to get up. Our body does not like to remain in a fixed and sitting position for long periods. Sitting for a long time causes muscle fatigue, muscle cramps, and falling asleep in the legs. All these can be fixed by doing physical activities now and then.
Our body needs regular movement and blood supply to all its muscles. So, walk a few steps during working hours at least once an hour. Do not allow your muscles to remain static for long periods. With a simple internet search, you’ll find easy stretches for the workplace. Performing these movements, in addition to relieving fatigue, also prevents muscle fatigue.
Take a short walk from work to home after work to maintain your health. In addition to helping muscles and blood supply to the body, walking enables you to avoid falling into the trap of being overweight.
Consume daily meals and snacks with caution.

Most people are always fighting the temptation to snack. You may be doing your daily work, and you need to realize when the package of chocolates, sweets, and biscuits in front of you is finished!
During work and especially mental activities, your body needs sugary foods for energy. Therefore, there are better suggestions for maintaining health than using industrial snacks.
Try to replace natural and healthy snacks with industrial snacks full of sugar. Fresh and dried fruits, low-sugar biscuits, and small and healthy bites can be healthy alternatives for long working hours.
Your body needs energy and must get this energy from food. So what better way to get this energy from healthy and nourishing foods.
Avoid eating fatty and heavy meals for lunch. Connect energy-rich and healthy snacks to a light and hearty lunch so that you have the necessary energy for physical and mental work while feeling light.
Observe personal and environmental hygiene.
Our work environment and body are constantly in contact with various pollutants. The keyboard and mouse of the computer and the desk attract pollution due to constant contact with our hands, and this point can face serious risks to our health. Various bacteria surround our workspace, and washing our hands several times during the day is the simplest and, of course, one of the most effective ways to deal with these bacteria.
Although this recommendation may not seem necessary today due to the availability of various cleaners, remember to wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and after sneezing or coughing. In addition to washing hands, doctors also recommend antibacterial wipes.
To maintain your health, try to clean your hands, computer mouse and keyboard, wristwatch, and mobile phone regularly with these wipes. Devices and tools constantly in contact with your hands are a suitable environment for accumulating harmful and pathogenic bacteria.
Control your mental pressure.
In modern work environments, stress and mental pressure have become inevitable concepts. But keep in mind that to maintain psychological and physical health in the workplace against these pressures, we must look for severe solutions to manage and reduce them.
Light sports, listening to favorite music, spending time with family and friends, and reading good books can significantly reduce stress. Use your paid vacations. These holidays are just like your monthly salary.
A short and enjoyable trip can guarantee your peace of mind for a long time. During the week and after working hours, go to the nearest swimming pool to your workplace or home. Swimming or using the sauna and massage services can significantly help you relax.
Remember that maintaining health is only possible with a calm and stress-free mind.
Set a goal for yourself.
If you do not set a specific goal and time for your daily tasks, you will be forced to adapt your tasks to the goals and deadlines of your employer, and this situation can be very tiring and boring for you. To spice up your work hours and enjoy them, set your own specific goals and work hard to achieve them and meet deadlines.
Accomplishing daily tasks is one of the best ways to boost your spirits and energize yourself. Make sure you reach all your short-term and long-term goals with a feasible and detailed plan. Undoubtedly, you can enjoy the energy gained from it by coming to the correct conclusion on time with the encouragement of your colleagues and employer.
Stay in touch with your colleagues.
Maintaining your mental health directly depends on your ability to develop social skills. Most of us work in busy work environments with different types of people. Our job may even be such that we have to be in direct contact with our colleagues for many hours of our working day.
But what is the extent of our communication skills? How can we communicate with others? Undoubtedly, not having this ability will distance us from the group and cause us to lose the eyes of our managers and colleagues.
Although today’s business world is moving towards professionalization, which is considered the most important ability of our expertise, creating a friendly relationship can be another important reason for our peace and progress. Healthy social relationships can reduce everyday stress and maintain our health.
How many hours do most employees spend in their work environment during the week?
Most employees spend an average of 45 hours in their work environment during the week.
What is the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water every day?
Drinking an adequate amount of water every day is crucial for maintaining health. It helps to relieve fatigue, energize the muscles, increase mental power, maintain the freshness and vitality of the skin, and control appetite.
Why should one stop drinking coffee after lunch?
Drinking coffee after lunch can interfere with sleep, which is one of the most important factors for maintaining health. Lack of sleep can quickly lower efficiency in the workplace.
What is the correct sitting method at work?
The correct sitting method involves using a standard chair that provides complete comfort and support for the back, waist, and seat. The appropriate height of the chair compared to the table’s surface and the monitor’s location is extremely important.
What are the benefits of getting up from your seat during work hours?
Getting up from your seat during work hours helps to prevent muscle fatigue, muscle cramps, and falling asleep in the legs. It also promotes regular movement and blood supply to all muscles.
What should be the approach towards daily meals and snacks at work?
One should consume daily meals and snacks with caution. It’s recommended to replace industrial snacks full of sugar with natural and healthy snacks like fresh and dried fruits, low-sugar biscuits, and small and healthy bites.
How important is personal and environmental hygiene at the workplace?
Personal and environmental hygiene is crucial at the workplace. It’s important to wash hands several times during the day and clean devices and tools that are constantly in contact with hands.
How can one control mental pressure at work?
Mental pressure at work can be controlled by engaging in light sports, listening to favorite music, spending time with family and friends, reading good books, and using paid vacations.
What is the significance of setting a goal at work?
Setting a specific goal and time for daily tasks can make work hours enjoyable and energizing. Accomplishing daily tasks is one of the best ways to boost spirits and energize oneself.
How can staying in touch with colleagues contribute to mental health?
Staying in touch with colleagues can contribute to mental health as healthy social relationships can reduce everyday stress and maintain health.