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How to Gain More Accomplishments in Our Work Life Cycle!

Are you the type of worker who shows up every day, works hard, and feels you contribute as much, if not more than is expected? We hope to be recognized financially. What’s the best way to tell your success story without being selfish or money hungry? So maybe you should focus on Accomplishment stronger.

Create your achievement list to identify and quantify your contributions to your team. Consider doing Armed with this information, you or your manager can demonstrate how valuable you are to the organization and provide compelling reasons for the raise you deserve. We suggest you to read the “What is delegating? How to deal with!” article after reading this post.

How to convince your boss

During his tenure at the company, his father was a team manager for a Fortune 20 company. He was always committed to the team and knew the best employees, but he rarely remembered everything they had accomplished in a year. It’s tough to remember everything we accomplished, so, understandably, we couldn’t recall the details of each employee’s contribution to the team.

To reinforce this, he worked in an environment where employees were statistically classified as low, average, and high performers at the end of the year. The salary was affected by this grouping. Once a year, he would sit in the same room with his colleagues and speak up for each employee.
Although he was doing what was best for his peers, as often when money was involved, these discussions were occasionally heated. He needed something to strengthen his case.

Make the case matter and know hidden benefits

People Talking in Well-lit Room
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

To have a better discussion on behalf of the employees with senior management, he asked each employee to make a list of their annual performance. The list he planned to submit to him by the first week of January. That track record gave him the ammunition he needed to keep star players away from underpaid or middling wages.

Besides taking care of his employees, his father taught me to do the same. He told me it would be good for your boss to know about your contributions throughout the year. I have passed on this important lesson throughout my career. As I rotated jobs, I gave my boss a list of my achievements each year.

As a team manager, I demand that all team members improve their performance. This gives you a healthy understanding of what your team has accomplished and allows you to start conversations with others about your team’s exceptional performance and advocate for further development.

Besides being able to advocate for continued growth for yourself and your team, doing this exercise has additional benefits. First, my confidence increased throughout my career as I meaningfully quantified my contribution to the company. This has allowed me to appear calmer and make a difference in my work.

Another benefit is that this exercise has helped me build my resume and LinkedIn profile bullet points for more opportunities now and in the future. Ultimately, this led to more conversations around meeting and networking with new people. By writing down my accomplishments, I could network more effectively and communicate my value to everyone.

And on my team, they had more say, more control over their careers, and approached their work with a more vital, more confident perspective. Her commitment has made the team perform even better than before. Priceless.

5 main components of achievement list

Putting some things on paper is not so easy. There are ways to go insane. By following these four key steps, you can provide robust and compelling evidence of why you, the employee, exceeded expectations.

  • Write down all the tasks completed during the year.

This activity will make you think about all the things you’ve done throughout the year, big and small. Put everything down on paper so you can pick the most critical contributions later. Check archived to-do lists, notebooks, and meeting calendars to spark memories.

  • Group these tasks into key projects or key performance indicators.

There is a difference between fundamental responsibility and actual achievement. You are expected to perform a certain level of essential functions as an employee. When creating deliverables instead of responsibilities, ask the following questions: What have you done beyond your primary responsibilities? What has directly impacted the company’s bottom line? What have you done better than anyone else?

Once you have identified your key outcomes, quantify their impact on your organization, if possible. For example, if a better workflow allowed us to complete a particular task in half the time it used to, we are now 50% more efficient. This is a direct number that impacts a company’s bottom line.

  • Map these grouped tasks alongside the main responsibilities of the job description.

When you applied for a job, you had a list of work-related obligations you were responsible for completing. Create a chart with two columns. On the left side, list your various job responsibilities in separate boxes. Then, on the right side, we map performance (and organizational impact) to specific job functions to show how we met and exceeded expectations.

  • Achieve SMART

The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Don’t say you’ve accomplished “a lot.” accurately! Please provide specific examples of your impact on the company’s bottom line. Any statistics you can provide will help explain your case.

Whenever you can show that you’ve made ‘X’ amount of money for the company, saved ‘X’ resources, or saved ‘X%’ time than before, all of these Are plausible ways for the company to return profits directly to you. Make sure your claims are realistic and accurate. Never ask for more than you have achieved. Finally, discuss the time frame for accomplishing the feat and add a time component that ties everything together.

  • Identify the areas you want to grow in the next year.

Ultimately there will be one or two areas of responsibility that are not well developed compared to last year. Please indicate how you will focus on these areas in the next year. Make a bulleted list identifying no more than three areas of development and pinpoint how you will grow that capability in the coming year. For example, if you want to improve your public speaking skills, show how and what you can talk about on specific occasions within your company. Or join a Toastmaster or volunteer group to develop and improve your public speaking skills.

How to increase your sense of accomplishment

Success at work is about setting goals and acknowledging that you have achieved them. When your plate is full of work, it’s often hard to justify making the sacrifices at home to get it done. The key to feeling good in any situation is staying motivated. And the key to staying motivated is cultivating a sense of accomplishment.

That’s what the author’s girlfriend Lisa Evans suggests in a recent article for Fast Company. “Fulfillment is an important part of our self-esteem,” she said. Blaming yourself for thinking you could have done more damages your self-confidence and self-esteem and can leave you feeling exhausted at the end of the day,” she says. I could have used it effectively and effectively. I could have accomplished more on my to-do list, but probably more than I thought.”

To increase your sense of accomplishment and stay motivated, break down your big goals into smaller goals. “If a goal is so big that she can’t achieve it in one day, she’s more likely to suffer from a feeling of unfulfillment because there’s no way to take that item off the list quickly,” she says. Continues Mr. “Subgoals” that help you measure your progress. Start by identifying all the steps you need to accomplish.

The first step might be creating content. You can divide this step into brainstorming the topic, researching the case, and asking others for their thoughts and opinions. You may not have written down everything in your presentation, but you can check off your research and brainstorming to show that you’ve accomplished something.”

Creating this detailed success chart takes some time and effort. You have to remember exactly what you did and when. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep detailed notes throughout the year to help create this year-end exercise. I often divide this exercise into monthly or quarterly practices to collect profits several times a year.

Our team creates a weekly list of goals we aim to achieve each week and saves the list for that purpose at the end of the year. This information makes this task much easier, faster, and more thorough.
If all else fails, ask your manager for feedback. You may be thinking of something you completely forgot. This year-end gift for you and your boss will remind you of your All-Star status.

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