Business & Monetization
What are the most crucial teamwork skills, and how should they be learned?
The ability to do group work is one of the necessary and even necessary skills to succeed in any career. Working well with clients, colleagues, managers, and everyone who comes into contact with you can lead to an enjoyable and efficient work environment. Organizations that emphasize teamwork usually have a…
Ways to deal with the stress of the last days of the year
The last days of the year are exciting and joyful. The weather becomes winter, the snow turns white, the streets are crowded, and everyone is waiting for the beginning of the new year. But besides these charms, the last days of the year are associated with stress and many worries,…
7 soft skills that you need to progress in 2024
As the end of the year approaches, the goal-setting market for the new year heats up, and we all plan to learn different skills and write many material and spiritual goals on the to-do list for the coming year. It doesn’t matter if we update this list based on the…
What are systems thinking? Its uses and the reason people neglect it
You may have heard the name of systems thinking and seen various articles on the Internet about this topic. But unfortunately, many of these articles have presented a complicated and incomprehensible explanation of this type of thinking. For this reason, despite reading these articles, many people do not fully understand…
10 psychological Tricks to increase creativity
Some people are more creative than others as if they were born creative. If you think you are not one of those lucky people whose fountain of creativity never runs dry, don’t worry because increasing creativity is like exercising a muscle, and you can strengthen creative thinking with practice and…
Ways to maintain physical and mental health in the workplace
Most employees spend an average of 45 hours in their work environment during the week. This amount of hours is undoubtedly spent focusing on things other than taking care of physical and mental health. These people must follow a series of principles to maintain their health and mental health in…
What is the comfort zone, and how to get out of it?
You have probably heard about the circle of comfort many times, which you might know better as the Comfort Zone. Almost everyone advises others to stay out of this circle. But what is the importance of leaving this circle? Is getting out of it always the best possible strategy? The…
High emotional intelligence will make your career successful
According to a report called (Future of Jobs) published on the website of the World Economic Forum, emotional intelligence will be one of the ten primary skills for finding a job. In recent years, emotional intelligence has become an important job skill; in some cases, it even surpasses professional expertise.…
How to make employees happy and thrive in the workplace
Happiness in the workplace is a topic that HR professionals, managers, and organizations have been trying to understand over the years. People join the organization with hopes and dreams, the coordination and alignment of the organization with these hopes create happiness in people, and this happiness and pleasure in the…
Why are the offices gradually fading away?
In the 1950s, a concept called Open Office was born due to the dream of collaboration in the office. But some components have changed this seemingly practical and effective concept over time, and this system is predicted to change in the future. The idea of a unified office without rooms…