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10 psychological Tricks to increase creativity

Some people are more creative than others as if they were born creative. If you think you are not one of those lucky people whose fountain of creativity never runs dry, don’t worry because increasing creativity is like exercising a muscle, and you can strengthen creative thinking with practice and effort.

The important thing is to remember that creativity doesn’t happen by itself, and sitting and waiting for inspiration will only make you lose motivation and discourage you. Instead, try to find a way to increase your creativity. Find an inspirational tool to help you stay focused and energized for the project.

Take a walk.

According to research, people are more creative while walking than sitting. Researchers previously believed that regular physical activity could play an important role in enhancing and protecting a person’s cognitive abilities, but new research has shown that even a simple walk can temporarily boost some mental abilities.

So, if you’re sitting at your desk waiting for a good idea to come to you, get up and take a short walk or walk.

Reward yourself.

Research has shown that rewarding intrinsically satisfying tasks can have the opposite effect and reduce motivation. So you might think rewarding creative thinking might be wrong and destroy your creativity and inspiration.

But according to another research on children, the level of creativity increased in children who received a specific reward for a creative drawing.

So if you’re looking for inspiration, promise yourself attractive rewards for creating creative solutions. But be careful not to overdo it; Because the repetition of this task makes the reward uniform and predictable in mind and thus reduces the motivation.

Create a psychological distance between yourself and the obstacle.

Usually, when you reach a dead end in creativity, others suggest taking time off from work and rest. In one of the studies, researchers found that creating a mental distance between ourselves and the problem in our way can be helpful.

Research has shown that when participants imagine their problem to be caused by a distant factor, they are better able to find a creative solution than when they see the source of their problem in a nearby situation.

The next time you’re faced with a complex problem, try to look at it from a distance unrelated to your current situation.

Keep your surroundings inspiring.

A famous positive psychologist says that the surrounding environment also plays a role in the creative process, and an exciting environment can simplify the creative thinking process. For this reason, creating a space full of things that inspire and motivate you can help you.

Design your work environment in a way that inspires and energizes you. Look for exciting experiences and arrange the space in such a way that it stimulates your sense of creativity.

Create limits to increase creativity.

When we are trying to solve a problem, we usually rely on clear and ready ideas to reach the simplest solution. This process will usually have a good output, but in this case, it can be a little challenging to think of creative solutions. One of the ways to solve this problem and reach creative resolutions is to create limits for thinking.

The next time you’re looking for a solution to a problem, try limiting the tools you can use to solve the problem. By doing this, you may come up with new ideas you had not thought of before.

10 psychological Tricks to increase creativity
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Dream big.

In today’s modern world, we are easily distracted. Instead of wasting all your time with apps, games, email, and scrolling through websites, consider doing nothing.

In a creativity test in one study, participants who were bored with unemployment and blame performed better than those who were happy, calm, or distracted. In another study, researchers found that boredom and doing nothing gives people time to dream, leading to more creativity.

Boredom encourages creative thinking because it signals to the brain that something is lacking in the current situation or environment, and the search for new and impactful ideas will help improve these conditions.

Reimagine problems.

A common trait among creative people is their tendency to reimagine problems. Instead of continuing on the previous path and getting stuck in the situation that has blocked your way, take a step back and take a fresh look at your problem. Can you find a different way of looking at the problem? Can you look at this problem from another angle?

The opportunity to start over with a fresh perspective can cultivate the mind for more creative thoughts.

Get emotional.

Researchers have long believed positive thoughts are strongly associated with creativity, but research has shown that deep negative and positive thoughts can be related to creative thinking. This does not mean that you must put yourself in a bad state of mind to be affected, But keep in mind that the next time you are in an unfavorable mental situation, instead of sitting down and hugging your knees, try to spend some of your energy to solve a problem or do a task.

Fill your surroundings with blue color.

According to color psychology, different colors can have different effects on people’s moods, emotions, and behavior. According to research, the blue color increases the intellectual creativity of people. The researchers of this study announced that the blue color encourages people to think beyond the box. Because the color blue is associated with nature, peace, and stillness, it helps people feel more secure and creative.

So when you’re looking for something to inspire and boost your creativity, try using the color blue to come up with new ideas.


Research has also shown that certain types of meditation are linked to increased creativity. People worldwide have been using meditation as a relaxation technique for many years, but research has shown that the benefits of meditation go beyond relaxation.

According to one research, using a type of meditation called “Open Monitoring” can increase different thoughts and produce new ideas. Open Monitoring is a type of meditation in which a person accepts all thoughts and feelings during meditation without focusing on a topic or idea.

Find a way to add meditation techniques to your daily life. Focusing on thoughts and experiences can increase creativity.

How can physical activity influence creativity?

Research suggests that even simple activities like walking can temporarily boost mental abilities and creativity.

How can rewards impact creativity?

According to research, promising oneself attractive rewards for creating creative solutions can increase the level of creativity. However, it’s important not to overdo it as the repetition of this task can make the reward predictable and thus reduce motivation.

How can psychological distance help in problem-solving?

Creating a mental distance between ourselves and the problem can be helpful. When participants imagine their problem to be caused by a distant factor, they are better able to find a creative solution.

How does the surrounding environment affect creativity?

The surrounding environment plays a role in the creative process. An exciting environment can simplify the creative thinking process. Therefore, creating a space full of things that inspire and motivate you can help increase creativity.

How can setting limits enhance creativity?

When looking for a solution to a problem, limiting the tools you can use to solve the problem can lead to new and creative ideas.

How does dreaming big influence creativity?

Boredom and doing nothing gives people time to dream, leading to more creativity. Boredom encourages creative thinking because it signals to the brain that something is lacking in the current situation or environment.

How can reimagining problems boost creativity?

A common trait among creative people is their tendency to reimagine problems. Taking a fresh look at a problem from a different angle can cultivate the mind for more creative thoughts.

How do emotions relate to creativity?

Both deep negative and positive emotions can be related to creative thinking. Utilizing emotional energy to solve a problem or complete a task can enhance creativity.

How does color psychology relate to creativity?

Different colors can have different effects on people’s moods, emotions, and behavior. For instance, the color blue is associated with intellectual creativity as it encourages people to think beyond the box.

How does meditation influence creativity?

Certain types of meditation, like “Open Monitoring,” are linked to increased creativity. This type of meditation involves accepting all thoughts and feelings during meditation without focusing on a specific topic or idea.

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