Narcissism is excessive self-involvement that causes a person to ignore the needs of others. While everyone displays narcissistic behavior occasionally, true narcissists often disregard others’ feelings or needs. Additionally, true narcissists are unaware of how their actions affect others.
It is important to note that narcissism is a trait. Still, it can also indicate a more considerable personality disorder. A narcissist does not necessarily have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), as it is a spectrum disorder. Those with the highest level of narcissism are classified as NPD. However, others with narcissistic traits may fall on the lower end.
Often, people who display narcissistic traits are charismatic and charming. Their negative behavior often does not manifest right away, particularly in relationships. Selfish people often surround themselves with people who feed into their egos. Even if the connections are superficial, they build them to reinforce their ideas about themselves.
Narcissistic behavior falls under two types of narcissism. While these two types may share some traits, their origins are different. People also behave differently in relationships based on their type. It should be noted that there is a helpful article about self-confidence that you can continue to use this article.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive craving for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with others’ feelings. A narcissistic personality disorder is one of the eleven sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders.
Grandiose Narcissism
Those who behave in this way were probably superior to others in childhood. These expectations can last into adulthood. They tend to show themselves gloriously. They are not sensitive and are overconfident.
Vulnerable Narcissism
Usually, this behavior results from childhood neglect or abuse. These individuals tend to be extremely sensitive. They are protected against feelings of inadequacy by their selfish behavior. They fluctuate between feeling inferior and superior to others; they still feel offended and anxious when they’re not treated as if they’re special.
Narcissism signs
Since many narcissists and people with NPD don’t seek treatment, narcissism is still being studied and explored. Nevertheless, there are some standard features of people with narcissistic behavior that you might spot.
- Feeling of Entitlement
Narcissists believe that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. Others should be obedient to their wishes, and the rules do not apply to them.
- Manipulative Behavior
Narcissism is also commonly characterized by manipulative behavior or controlling behavior. Narcissists try to please and impress you at first, but ultimately, their own needs always come first.
Narcissists try to keep other people at a certain distance when relating to them to maintain control. Narcissists may even exploit others to benefit themselves.
- Need for Admiration
Narcissists are known for their constant need for praise and admiration. Those who behave in this way need validation from others and often brag or exaggerate their accomplishments for recognition. Appreciation also boosts their ego.
- Empathy deficit
Another sign of narcissism is a lack of empathy. In other words, a narcissist will not or cannot empathize with other people’s needs, wants, or feelings. Additionally, this makes it difficult to accept responsibility for their behavior.
- Sense of arrogance
When selfish people aren’t treated as they believe they deserve, they may become rude or abusive to offset their self-esteem. Although they think themselves superior, they may treat those they deem inferior rudely.
How to overcome narcissism

When narcissism is treated correctly, people with high selfishness or NPD may recognize their behaviors. By doing so, they may improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Because they don’t fit their image of themselves, narcissists have historically avoided seeking help. It may be necessary to encourage them to seek professional assistance from a loved one.
When you recognize that you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you can alter the dynamics of the relationship and challenge your partner to change how they view you and your relationship. Narcissistic behavior can be mitigated to some degree if your partner’s appearance and behavior are changed.
When you recognize your narcissism, you can begin to change your self-esteem into self-compassion. You need to treat yourself with kindness rather than compare yourself to others. When you stop evaluating yourself against others, you will have less need for praise and recognition.
Here are some tips on dealing with someone with narcissistic tendencies, plus how to recognize when it’s time to move on.
- Get to know them as they are
People with narcissistic personalities are pretty good at turning on the charm when they want to. Their grand ideas and promises might attract you. They are also likely to be popular at work because of this.
However, before getting caught up in their show, look at how they treat others when not on stage. If you see them lying, manipulating, or blatantly disrespecting others, there’s no reason to believe they won’t do the same to you.
Your wants and needs are likely unimportant to someone with a narcissistic personality despite what they may say. If you bring up this issue, you may be met with resistance.
When dealing with someone with a narcissistic personality, the first step is accepting who they are – there’s not much you can do to change them.
- Don’t focus on them
Attention seems to gravitate towards narcissistic personalities when they’re in your orbit. People with narcissistic personalities work hard to stay in the spotlight, whether negative or positive attention.
You may soon find yourself buying into this tactic, letting your own needs slide to satisfy others.
You may never see the end of their attention-seeking behavior if you wait. Whatever you do to adjust your life to meet their needs will never be enough.
Don’t let narcissistic personalities affect your sense of self or define your world if you deal with one. Your feelings matter, too. Keep your goals, dreams, and desires in mind.
Make your own time for yourself. Take care of yourself first, and don’t try to fix others.
- Define your boundaries clearly
Perhaps they think it’s their right to go wherever they want, snoop through your private things, and tell you what to feel. You may receive unsolicited advice and they may take credit for things you have done. They may also pressure you to talk about private things in public.
As well as having little sense of personal space, they tend to cross a lot of boundaries. Most of the time, they do not even realize that they are crossing them. Because of this, you should be clear about the boundaries that are important to you.
- Be prepared for their pushback
You can expect a narcissistic person to respond if you stand up to them. Once you set boundaries and speak up, they may return to their demands. Additionally, they may try to manipulate you into believing that you’re unreasonable and controlling. They may seek sympathy. Prepare to defend yourself. You won’t be taken seriously if you take a step backward.
We have tried to explain narcissism in general in this post. What is your idea about this? Have you had a similar experience? And if so, what strategy did you use to deal with it?