What is a happy organization, and how to implement this situation? Organizational culture is a combination of employee interactions, values and time management skills, administrative rules, the level of conflict and its intensity, and the ability to maintain control in the workplace. Culture in any work environment is vital for employee productivity and working together in peace and harmony.
Every business has a unique culture that defines its core values and creates a set of informal guidelines within the organization. That is, it determines what is acceptable behavior, and as a result, those who are compatible with these rules will feel more satisfied and comfortable in the work environment. Others will conclude that they will choose another workplace.
This article will mention the most common cultures in businesses in the following four types or models of organizational culture: Power culture, Duty culture, Individual culture, and Role culture.
Culture of power
The concept of this model is just like its name. In such an environment, the burden of all or maximum decisions is on one or more people. This model is effective in small companies and enables the organization to react quickly to changes in the market. The drawback of this model is that it directly affects productivity negatively. If the leading decision maker is present, a decision will be made. Also, employees are very dependent on key people, and as a result, progress has yet to be made.
Task culture
This cultural model is very productive, and the main goal is to get the job done and finish the project. This type of organizational culture has many benefits for employees; Because they will be seen in the organization and feel valued. Job satisfaction is generally higher in these organizations.
Person’s culture
In this type of organizational culture, personnel or individuals are considered valuable members of this company and, in some cases, even more, important than the company. This culture is primarily seen in lawyers’ offices and medical centers. The person is recognized as a valued member and makes decisions with confidence.
Role culture
This culture consists of a hierarchy wherein each employee performs a specific role or task. Of course, this model prevents employees from being innovative and creative and makes them grow up in their workplace. Role culture has been thriving in creating a coherent organizational culture; Because it makes everyone know their position, and it is clear what is expected of everyone.
Regardless of the type or cultural model, it is essential that the organization is happy and cheerful. Creating a happy workplace culture is relatively simple and inexpensive (or at no cost); Several methods that can make a positive and comfortable work environment will be mentioned.
Have fun
Look for opportunities to celebrate. Provide plenty of opportunities for staff to gather. This issue causes more face-to-face communication in the organization and sincere communication between people. Also, this method makes you leave good memories for everyone. This makes people look at the organization not only as a place to work but also as a place to create a good and happy experience. The retention rate of people in such an organization will be very high.
Effective and positive communication guarantees the success of the organization.
Great leaders communicate directly and clearly and always ensure the message is displayed correctly. Successful leaders are masters at involving people in decisions; Because this method instills a sense of ownership of their work. Do you want to decorate their office? Ask them to all participate in the justification of the decorator as a team. Then you will see that no one will ever grumble when the job is done.
Provide opportunities for conversation
According to the research of “Amy Adamnodsen” from Harvard University, where instead of fear, personnel feels safe; That is, when the leaders give everyone a chance, are humble, and encourage the staff to talk and ask for help, the team will perform and learn better. So, instead of creating a culture of fear of consequences, develop a sense of security in the workplace, which significantly strengthens the spirit of trial and error necessary for innovation.
Get to know the people who work with you well.

Pay attention to personal information about your employees’ lives. Know the important events of their lives and inquire about their family. Everyone likes to feel that attention is not only focused on them in the workplace. Celebrating is a good start to focus attention on personnel.
Then, consider the individuality of each person. Please find out how everyone spends their free time and incorporate that into your conversations—having a friendly chat with them in informal workplace spaces, such as the dining room or on the way to the company. This will make you know their strengths and areas that can be improved.
Constructive feedback
If there is a problem, tell them clearly where they went wrong. Of course, do this without disrespect and without expressing violence. Criticize constructively and, along with criticism, remind them of the things they are doing well. After the discussion is over, quickly move the atmosphere to a familiar atmosphere where the person knows that your relationship has not been damaged and that he is still a trustworthy person for you. Everyone needs a little encouragement after criticism; Because they lose their self-confidence. A few jokes and a little banter can quickly change the mood.
Show that you trust them enough to take responsibility.
Provide opportunities to learn and accept new challenges to boost their confidence. You can start by delegating some tasks you know they can do in your absence. Everyone gets tired of doing repetitive tasks, and if this situation continues, they will soon quit their jobs. Challenging people and acknowledging their abilities can motivate personnel to continue cooperation.
Following the open door policy is very effective in motivating employees; Because it sends a message to them that they are also trustworthy people for you.
Make the company’s vision clear to everyone.
People will feel better knowing that all team members are working towards a common goal. Tell them your commitment and concerns about the company’s values; Doing so will help employees feel like they are working toward a common goal, not just a paycheck.
Notify them of important events that can affect the entire company. If there is success in the company, give credit for this success to the whole team.
Flexible working hours
We all have urgent tasks from time to time; If the nature of the work is results-oriented and the personnel should not be accountable to the client, be flexible about giving time off. After a few long hard days, nothing can make the staff happy, like closing an hour earlier.
Chocolate makes everyone feel better.
The University of Warwick conducted a study in which half of the participants were given candy and the other half chocolate before a test. The team that received chocolate performed their test 10-12% better than the other team. what can be done? There can’t be a mountain of chocolate at work! But you can have a little chocolate snack in the corner of the office, effectively improving people’s energy levels, especially in the afternoon.
Create physical activity
The healthier people are, the happier they will be. Plan to do some stretching and sports movements at the beginning and middle of the day. In addition, endorphins released due to physical activity will significantly impact people’s moods.
Be kind
When a leader in an organization acts based on principles, values, and kindness, these will spread throughout the company. According to Professor Adam Grant, when leaders are kind and generous, productivity can be predicted in that organization. In such a situation, the work environment will be positive and bring commitment, durability, and positive performance.
Ultimately, a good work environment leads to organizational success by fostering positive emotions and elevating living standards. This type of atmosphere improves communication and encourages creativity, protecting against negative experiences like stress. It enables employees to recover quickly from complex and demanding tasks and challenges, safeguarding their physical and mental well-being. A pleasant work environment also attracts people and fosters loyalty as the organization recognizes and develops employees’ talents and abilities. Organizations that promote a positive culture and ethical principles will experience higher productivity, reflected in their financial performance and customer satisfaction.