The focus and effort of humans in adulthood are mainly aimed at creating a balance between different aspects and dimensions of life. If you are always late with your responsibilities, disorganized, forgetful, and have a backlog of work, you may have ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Many adults suffer from this disorder and its wide range of annoying symptoms without knowing it; Symptoms that can affect and harm all aspects of a person’s life, from personal relationships to work.
Although the origin and cause of ADHD are not fully known to scientists, research on this disorder has shown that a combination of different factors, such as a person’s genetic structure, environmental factors, and brain structure, influence the occurrence of this disease.
If a person suffers from this disorder in childhood, they may keep at least some signs and symptoms of this disease with them until adulthood. But even if this disorder does not occur or is not diagnosed in childhood, it does not mean that a person is safe from it in maturity and will not suffer from it, but there is a possibility that a person will suffer from it at any age.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often goes undiagnosed throughout childhood. This was a common thing, especially in the past when not much information about this disease was available—instead of diagnosing the problem and identifying the disease, the family, teachers, and others labeled the child with ADHD various labels such as dreamer, lazy, disorganized, problematic, or a bad student.
People with hyperactivity disorder usually pass their childhood and adolescence without many problems since they do not have many responsibilities on their shoulders, but when they enter adulthood and enter the world of work and graduate education, they face tremendous problems. Upon entering this period, one’s responsibilities increase job duties, family management, and raising children. These issues make the person need to organize things, focus and maintain peace more and more.
The good news is that no matter how much pressure a person with ADHD feels, the challenges and problems caused by this disorder can be fixed and managed. By gaining awareness about this disorder, support from others, and a little creativity, you can manage the symptoms of this disease well and even turn some of your weaknesses into your strengths due to this disease. It is never too late to overcome the problems caused by ADHD and take steps toward success and mental health.
Signs and symptoms of ADHD disorder in adults.
The signs and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults are entirely different than in children, and its symptoms are unique to each person. Below are the common symptoms of ADHD in adults. Once you identify your problematic symptoms, you can apply the solutions provided to deal with them.
Difficulty maintaining focus and attention.
The term “attention deficit” in the title of this disease is not the correct term to describe it. Adults with ADHD do not have problems concentrating on stimulating or exciting activities but rather have issues concentrating and performing mundane and repetitive tasks. A person suffering from this disorder is easily and quickly distracted by various sounds and events, quickly moves from one activity to the next, and quickly becomes bored.
The symptoms presented in this group are usually invisible or ignored because they cause less disturbance than other ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and impulsivity, but the truth is that these symptoms can also be highly annoying and affect put a lot on reducing the person’s performance;
- They are easily distracted by low-priority events and activities or external events that others ignore.
- Multiple simultaneous thoughts make it difficult to follow a single line of thinking.
- Difficulty paying attention or concentrating during activities such as reading or listening to others.
- Daydreaming and daydreaming without realizing it, even in the middle of a conversation.
- Struggle and have difficulty completing tasks, even simple tasks.
- Inadvertently ignoring details, which leads to errors or doing things incompletely.
- Weakness in listening skills; For example, having trouble remembering conversations and following directions.
- They get bored quickly and constantly seek new exciting experiences.
Disorganization and forgetfulness.
When you have ADHD as an adult, your life often seems chaotic and out of control. This is because you have problems performing some tasks; Issues such as sorting information related to the work you are doing, prioritizing your to-do list, tracking duties, responsibilities, and time management. Common symptoms of disorganization and forgetfulness are as follows;
- Poor organization skills (at home and office, desk or car is messy.)
- Constantly postponing things.
- Difficulty starting and ending projects
- Always late.
- Forgetting appointments, commitments, and deadlines.
- Continually losing items like keys, wallets, documents, and bills.
- Underestimation of the time required to complete the work.
Impulsivity or sudden decisions.
Those who suffer from symptoms related to impulsivity usually have difficulty controlling their behaviors, opinions, and responses. These people may act before thinking or reacting without considering the consequences of their decisions. These people may interrupt others, comment quickly and without thinking, and promptly go to work without reading and following instructions.
It is challenging to be patient if they have impulsivity problems. For better or worse, a person may put themselves in potentially dangerous situations quickly and without thinking. Impulsivity includes these symptoms:
- They constantly interrupt others or answer quickly without thinking.
- Weak self-control with the tendency to addiction
- Expressing rude or inappropriate thoughts suddenly without thinking
- Doing reckless or sudden actions and behaviors without considering their consequences
- Difficulty engaging in socially appropriate behaviors (such as staying still during a long meeting)
Emotional problems.
Many adults with ADHD have trouble managing their emotions, especially regarding anger or frustration. Common emotional symptoms of adult ADHD include the following points;
- Rushing and getting stressed quickly.
- High irritability with often explosive mood.
- Low self-esteem and feelings of insecurity or lack of work.
- Difficulty maintaining motivation and hope.
- Excessive sensitivity to criticism.
Hyperactivity or restlessness.
Hyperactivity in adults with ADHD may be similar to children. They may be energetic and “on the go,” as if restless. However, for many people with ADHD, the symptoms of hyperactivity become calmer and more internal as they get older. Common symptoms of hyperactivity in adults include the following;
- Feeling of inner restlessness, turmoil, competing thoughts.
- Bored easily.
- The desire for excitement and willingness to take risks.
- Talking too much.
- Do hundreds of tasks at the same time.
- Difficulty sitting still and playing with objects at hand.
Effects of hyperactivity disorder in adults.
If you’ve just discovered you have adult ADHD, chances are you’ve been suffering for years with a problem you didn’t know. You may feel that you have been trying for a long time to prevent everything from falling apart, the pressure of constant stress caused by procrastination and procrastination, disorganization, and doing things at the last minute.
Due to forgetfulness or difficulty in doing certain things, people may label you as “lazy,” “irresponsible,” or “stupid,” and you may have accepted these labels. And look at yourself with that vision. Undiagnosed and untreated ADHD can have wide-ranging effects and cause problems in almost every area of your life.
Physical and mental problems: ADHD can cause problems related to a person’s health; Anorexia and bulimia nervosa, substance abuse, chronic anxiety and tension, and low self-confidence. In addition, you may face severe problems due to not doing medical examinations, forgetting or ignoring doctor’s appointments, not following medical instructions, and forgetting to take medications.
Work and financial problems: Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often struggle with work problems and always feel underworked and neglected. You may have difficulty keeping your job, following employer rules, meeting legal deadlines, and adhering to office procedures. Also, you may face problems in financial management; For example, you struggle with unpaid bills, lost documents, receipts, or debt due to sudden and impulse purchases.

Relationship problems: Hyperactivity symptoms can have a devastating effect on work, emotional, and family relationships. You may be tired of your loved ones constantly nagging you to tidy up, listen more carefully, or get things in order. On the other hand, your loved ones may feel that they have been hurt and hold a grudge against you because of your “irresponsibility” or “indifference.”
The wide range of effects of ADHD can lead to feelings of shame, frustration, helplessness, and loss of self-confidence. You may feel like you’ll never be able to take control of your life or reach your full potential. For this reason, diagnosing ADHD in adults can bring relief and hope. This will help you to understand for the first time what the nature of your problem is and also the fact that you are not the only one to blame for the issues that have arisen and that the problems you have experienced due to adult hyperactivity disorder are not the result of personal weakness or personality problem.
Helpful steps you can take to reduce the effects of adult ADHD.
You can make meaningful and essential changes in your life by understanding the challenges and problems caused by ADHD and with the help of structured treatment strategies. Many adults with attention deficit disorder have found meaningful ways to manage the symptoms of this disease and use their inherent talents and abilities to build a productive and fulfilling life. You don’t necessarily need outside intervention to control this disorder, at least not always. You can do many things to help yourself and manage your ADHD symptoms.
Exercise and healthy eating: Relatively intense and regular exercise will help you positively spend excess energy and aggression to relax your mind and body. You can minimize mood swings by eating a wide variety of healthy foods and limiting the consumption of sweet foods.
Enough sleep: When you’re tired, your concentration, stress management, and productivity decrease, making it harder to complete your responsibilities. Help relieve fatigue and increase your engagement by turning off the TV, putting away your cell phone at least an hour before bed, and sleeping for 7 to 9 hours.
Better time management: Set deadlines for everything, even seemingly small tasks. Use timers and alarms for better time management. Rest at regular intervals. Avoid excessive accumulation of functions and procrastination by doing tasks as soon as they are assigned to you. Prioritize scheduled tasks and jot down necessary tasks, messages, or thoughts.
Work on your relationships: Plan and execute joint activities with your friends and maintain the range of your interactions. Be alert in conversation and online communication: listen when others are talking and try not to respond too quickly; the same with text messages or emails and other things. Connect with people who care and understand your struggle with ADHD.
Create a supportive work environment:
- Make a list of the necessary actions regularly, use color coding, make reminders, write notes for yourself, and formulate and implement specific methods and procedures for various tasks.
- Choose a job that motivates you and interests you.
- Pay attention to find out when and under what conditions you work best, then apply the same conditions to your work environment to get better results.
Collaborating with less creative but regular and organized people creates a beneficial partnership for both sides.
Practice mindfulness: Although even thinking can be difficult for some people with ADHD, practicing regular meditation and mindfulness can help you calm your busy mind and gain more control over your emotions. At first, meditate for a short period, and as you gain more mastery over it, increase its duration.
Blame the hyperactivity: Adults with ADHD often blame themselves for their problems or view themselves negatively. This can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression. But it is not your fault that you have hyperactivity. Although you cannot change the structure of your brain and nerves, you can take steps to compensate for your weaknesses and experience prosperity in all areas of your life.
When do we need the help of experts to treat and control ADHD?
If, despite self-help efforts to manage your ADHD symptoms, they still prevent you from living a healthy life, it may be time to seek professional help. Adults with ADHD can benefit from various treatment methods, including behavioral coaching, individual therapy, self-help groups, professional counseling, and medication under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
Treatment of adults with attention deficit disorder, like treatment of children, should include the cooperation of the treatment team with family members and the individual’s spouse.
Professionals trained in ADHD can help you control impulsive behaviors, manage time and expenses, get organized, increase productivity at home and work, manage stress and anger, and communicate better.
Suppose these actions, which are entirely mentioned here, could not help you to improve the symptoms and problems caused by ADHD in your life. In that case, you should discuss your situation with a specialist in the field of psychology or, if necessary, a psychiatric specialist so that he can provide appropriate treatment solutions for your condition that will help improve these symptoms and improve your quality of life.
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
ADHD is a disorder characterized by symptoms such as being consistently late with responsibilities, disorganization, forgetfulness, and having a backlog of work. It can affect all aspects of a person’s life, from personal relationships to work.
What are the causes of ADHD?
The exact cause of ADHD is not fully known. However, research suggests that a combination of different factors, such as a person’s genetic structure, environmental factors, and brain structure, influence the occurrence of this disease.
Can ADHD occur at any age?
Yes, while ADHD often starts in childhood, it can also occur in adulthood. Even if the disorder does not occur or is not diagnosed in childhood, it does not mean that a person is safe from it in maturity.
What are the common symptoms of ADHD in adults?
Symptoms of ADHD in adults include difficulty maintaining focus and attention, disorganization and forgetfulness, impulsivity or sudden decisions, emotional problems, and hyperactivity or restlessness.
What are the effects of untreated ADHD?
Untreated ADHD can cause problems in almost every area of your life, including physical and mental health issues, work and financial problems, and relationship problems.
How can ADHD in adults be managed?
ADHD in adults can be managed through a combination of self-help strategies such as exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, better time management, working on relationships, creating a supportive work environment, and practicing mindfulness. If these strategies are not enough, professional help may be needed, including behavioral coaching, individual therapy, self-help groups, professional counseling, and medication under the supervision of a psychiatrist.